Title: Patriotism, like a View from a Long Way Away 2001-2021
Material: Vintage USPS-certified Mailbox, vintage handmade greeting card, blue construction paper, cocktail flags, child's handwriting
Year: 2020
This assemblage installation explores the way significant life events are marked by the sending and receiving of mail, and greeting cards in specific. The greeting card pictured here was made in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and illustrates a expatriate child's handmade attempt at creating global harmony. Assembled two decades after the fact, this work also explores how attachment to national identities can change over time, and fade like a memory of a landscape.
Title: Collapsing Distance, Thesis Installation Examples 1 and 2
Year: 2019
Collapsing Distance: A Correspondence is an autobiographical 30-year narrative that explores meaningful places, significant events, and the synchronicities and connections between these. This is told through a 30-foot installation of seven mailboxes arrayed linearly, as if they were for houses on the same street. Each mailbox is adorned with a number of physical objects that act like metaphorical puzzle pieces. Together they tell the story of the first thirty years of my life. This is the latest outworking of my artistic line of inquiry that explores our relationship to significant places and to meaningful moments. The project examines the impact of increased mobility and globalization, and proposes material objects as as a tool for resilience.